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What have we learned from the past to sustain our future?

Mission Statement:
I want to mitigate climate change, develop better waste management practices, purify the air, water and soil with biochar . 

Global warming is it real or science fiction? 

Global warming probably started like this, "If you always do what you always did, you're always going to get what you always got" 

Greenhouse gases:

The main greenhouse gases of (CO2) Carbon Dioxide and (CH4) Methane. The (NO2) Nitric Oxide that forms into nitrates that can cause cancer.

According to National Geographic these gasses in the air have a tremendous effect on our water and the ocean's temperatures.

Global Warming Biochar Solutions goal:

Changing your psychology and your cultural life style, through education and being informed with the possibilities and capabilities of biochar.  

Introduction to Biochar

Thermochemical conversion: 

Biochar is a solid material obtained from the carbonization process during the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment. Simply put it is a method of making char with limited oxygen thereby sequestering carbon and pollutants from the air, water and soil for thousands of years.  

Soil amending/ water purification:

Biochar purifies the air, water and soil from all toxins and metals.

EMF health (electromagnetic radiation) protection:

Biochar absorbs the electrostress non-ionizing and ionizing radiation from computers, microwaves and your car power systems, etc.  

Pest and mold protection:

Biochar repels insects from plants, and a one time healthy application to your house will repel mold and pests.

Sustainable benefits:

Inoculating with composted fruit and medicinal plants like moringa with the benefits of manure and bones has a variety of agriculturally important for the soil and the microorganisms which can greatly affect the microbiological properties of soils, resistant to fungal pathogens. The pores in biochar provide a suitable habitat for many microorganisms by protecting them from predication and drying while providing plants with the energy and mineral nutrients they need. Biochar promotes soil fertility without the use of chemicals.  Soil fertility is critical for assuring optimal quality produce yields for sustaining life.


Providing Energy:

The concept is summarized in when (CO2) Carbon Oxide is removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. Sustainability is obtained with crop residues from manures, bones and biomass with forestry residues and plant waste. The biomass pyrolysed by modern technology to yield bio-oil, syngas gasses will produce heat. The outputs of the pyrolysis process is to provide energy, avoid emissions of GHGs such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and amend agricultural soils and pastures. The bioenergy is used to offset fossil-fuel emissions. The biochar stores carbon in a recalcitrant form that can increase the soil's capacity for water and nutrient-holding and increased plant growth. 

Biochar Processes: 



A process is used to convert any material that has carbon to longer hydrocarbon chains.



This process, methane from natural gas combines with water to generate carbon monoxide and hydrogen. A fuel to manufacture steam or produce electricity.

Pyrolysis:  A process in which biomass or waste is heated in a vessel. 

Thermal conversion:

Technolgies include direct combustion, pyrolysis and torrefaction.


The is the study of the heat energy associated with chemical reactions and /or physical transformations.

Chemical conversion: 

Involves use of chemical agents to convert biomass into liquid fuels. 


Is a thermal process to convert biomass into a coal-like material, which has better fuel characteristics than the original biomass.

Torrefied biomass:

Is more brittle, making grinding easier and less energy intensive. Did you know that this process is used at Starbucks?


Renewable energy: 

Using the biomass or waste to power a steam engine will produce electricity and biochar.

Any questions, need more information, please contact me, my contact information is listed below.

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Phone: 414-544-1062

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